Finding Your “North Star”
and Aligning People, Systems and Processes to It

Imagine an elegant, uniquely architected 56 storey high rise with breathtaking views and profoundly calming spaces. It might be sought by untold numbers of people, right? Now add the fact that it was unfortunately built without appropriate framing reinforcement to ensure its structural integrity. It could tumble down at any time. Once this is known, it’s not likely to be a place where people will choose to spend time.

Having a well-founded business direction and sound strategies for reaching those destinations – are as vital for an organization’s success as is the infrastructure undergirding a building.

Without great shared direction and strategies what are you pursuing? What will create excitement and commitment among staff and other key stakeholders? And without those foundational pieces, how can employees work together and reach agreement on the best alternatives when faced with decisions? Only when everyone is aware of and moving in the same general direction, can there be hope of achieving really great results. That’s why an organization’s direction and strategies are its north star.

Once that north star is known, it may seem common sense that the company’s structures, processes, and systems need to support it. On the contrary though, these elements of organizational infrastructure are often misaligned with directions and strategies. When that happens, it is much more difficult to achieve goals. So it is worth the time and energy to ensure that the inner workings of your organization support your directions.

You also need people at all levels doing their best. Leaders, managers and individual staff are able to excel when they possess vital competencies, know what is expected of them, are given authority and accountability, and are supported by crucial practices and policies that pave the way for them to contribute to organizational success.

Regardless of whether you are completely re-inventing parts of your organization or simply fine-tuning, Critical Change can assist you in aligning your people practices and infrastructure to inspired direction and strategies. We partner with you to determine what you most need in order to increase your success. Then we help you design the right changes to accomplish positive results. Please click on the following six pages to read more about how we can do that.

“Some view change as inspiring. Others view it as a necessary evil. Still others view it as a threat. How do employees in your organization view change?”

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